Notice Board
BV Prashala and Jr. College having very strict Anti-Ragging rules and regulations
प्रशालेतील व ज्यु. कॉलेज मधील सर्व विद्यार्थी व पालकांना कळविण्यात येते की, आपल्या भारती विद्यापीठ प्रशालेत शैक्षणिक वर्ष 2021- 22 साठी इ. 5 वी ते 8 वी चे नवीन प्रवेश सुरू झालेले आहेत. तरी ज्यांना नवीन प्रवेश घ्यावयाचे आहेत त्यांनी ऑफिस मध्ये संपर्क साधावा.
Principal Message
“ Education is for improving the lives of others & for leaving your community & world better than you found it”. :- Mariam Wright Edelmen
“ Education is not the learning of facts, but training the mind to think”. :- Albert Einstein
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.:- Nelson Mandela
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to the Website of Bharati Vidyapeeth Prashala & Jr.College. located in the heart of C.B.D Belapur, Bharati Vidyapeeth Prashala & Jr.College is an autonomous Institution.
Vice Principal Message
We all want to live in a society where there is the transformation of people and all-round development. our beloved founder of Bharati Vidyapeeth started an educational movement with the ‘motto social transformation through dynamic education’. We as a part of this institute feel proud and great pleasure.
Educational institutes are recognized by utilizing hidden talents from students .our Bharati Vidyapeeth Prashala and junior college open doors to all without any discrimination.
B.V. Prashala and Junior College always participate in social awareness programs, always organizes the various social awareness programs on the various occasion of Dr. Patangraoji Kadam Saheb Birthday, Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti, Independence and Republic Days, Ashadhi Ekadashi etc.
भारती विद्यापीठ प्रशाला व ज्युनिअर कॉलेज नवी मुंबई शाळेत दिनांक 15 जून 2024 रोजी शाळेच्या पहिल्या दिवशी विद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य श्री बेल्लम आर. टी.व उप प्राचार्य श्री आर. एच. कदम सर यांनी नवीन विद्यार्थ्यांचे गुलाब पुष्प देऊन स्वागत केले. सर्व शिक्षा अभियान अंतर्गत इयत्ता पाचवी ते आठवीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांना मोफत नवीन पुस्तके देण्यात आली. यावेळी विद्यार्थ्यांच्या चेहऱ्यावरील आनंद दिसून येत होता. तसेच माध्यमिक शालांत परीक्षा इयत्ता दहावी व उच्च माध्यमिक शाळांत परीक्षा इयत्ता बारावीच्या विद्यार्थ्यांचा विद्यालयामधे प्रथम तीन क्रमांकाने प्राप्त झालेल्या विद्यार्थ्यांचा सत्कार विद्यालयाचे प्राचार्य व उप प्राचार्य यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आला. कार्यक्रमाचे निवेदन श्री बागोरे विलास सर आणि आभार श्री कुंभार भरत सर यांनी मानले. यावेळी विद्यालयातील सर्व शिक्षक शिक्षकेतर कर्मचारी उपस्थित होते.
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College having more than 5000 alumni’s.. for more details click here
As per rules of Maharashtra State board primary and secondary board.

Contact Us
BHARATI VIDYAPEETH PRASHALA & Jr COLLEGE is ideally located at sector 3, CBD a business centre of Navi Mumbai. Navi Mumbai is rightly called ‘THE CITY OF 21st CENTURY’ due to its advancement in last few years. The School area is well connected by road and rail and placed to the nearest bus station by 1.5 kms. to nearest railway station CBD Belapur by 3 kms. and to International Airport Mumbai by 40 kms.
Principal Name: Mr. Ghutukade G.S.
Vice-Principal: Mr.Kadam R.H. – 9222091569
School Address: Sector -3, CBD, Belapur, Navi Mumbai.
Pin Code: 400614
School Phone No. 022 27562583
School Email: